Full Form Of LOVE

LOVE Full Form: What Is The Full Form Of LOVE?

Full Form
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What is the full form of love? There is a meaning of love, but in full form, it’s very ambiguous. Many great men have pondered over the question of ‘What is true love?’ and have spent ages finding the answer to that question. There are people who have found true love, whereas there are people who haven’t, then there are people who have found their true love, but they can’t claim it. There are different types of love, it isn’t restricted to only partner love, but it can refer to the love between friends, parent and their children, and other relations as well. A full form that does proper justice to the word love is:

L: Listen to each other

O: Open Your Heart

V: Value your bonds

E: Express Your Feelings Openly

Love is a bunch of feelings and practices described by likeness, excitement, and obligation. It includes care, closeness, defence, fascination, love, and faith. Love can shift in power and can change over the long run. It is related to a scope of positive feelings, including bliss, energy, achievements of life and is governed by several types of emotions; there’s a risk that it can bring about adverse feelings like envy and stress. With regards to love, a few groups would say it is quite possibly the main human feelings.


The most important thing in a relationship is maintaining the bond and being consistent. There are relationships based on true love which work for decades; it seems that they have found the perfect formula to true love just by being brutally honest, truthful and by listening to each other. For instance, scientists ponder over the thought of whether love is an organic or civic wonder. Love is possibly influenced by both biological drives and public consequences. While chemicals and science are legitimate ways we express and experience, love is, in turn, influenced by our own originations of devotion. As people survey one another and turn out to be more specific about the drawn-out eventual future of the friendship, plans are created. The opportunities to face the challenges and power can see a massive downfall in the sexual movement. This can give rise to loyal love dying down. Albeit a decrease in loyal love isn’t capable by all pairs, different inquiries report roughly 20-40% of couples acknowledge this slump.

Communication and Managing Healthy Bonds

Communicating in a relationship is very important to maintain a healthy bond. The effective way to communicate is never defined but can be achieved by sheer experience. There are ways to tackle any argument in a healthy manner. Of couples who have been in a relationship for more than ten years, the steepest slump may be very well on the way to happen over the course of time.

Life circumstances and progress can make it easy to encounter energy. Individuals have several needs which influence their power and cut off the chances to cultivate confidence. Parenthood is an illustration of this. Love is a great power that has changed the world and outcome of several events; it should always be preached and protected.

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