Web Hosting Service

What Reason Should A Business Change Their Hosting & DDOS Service Providers?

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Web hosting is crucial to the cyber world, it helps keep websites online and afloat, and plays a role in keeping them safe from online attacks. As a matter of fact, cyberspace has come a long way and has evolved, following the dot-com boom of the late 90s and early 2000s.

Web hosting is an integral part of the success of the digital aspect of businesses, brands, and organizations alike.  When they choose the correct hosting service provider, they can do it with ease but they do encounter some challenges.

At times, the hosting service provider is just not able to do enough to meet their business needs. If businesses feel that the hosting service provider is not meeting their needs. They should reassess their hosting service provider and see if they can enlist the help of a new one.

However, there are challenges when it comes to web hosting. With time, cyber-attacks have evolved and have managed to hackle companies, individuals and businesses alike. Nowadays, DDoS attacks have caused a lot of damage and outages in various parts of the world, especially in developed countries, who are still reeling from the effects of these attacks.

For what reasons do companies and businesses change hosting service providers?

There are numerous reasons a business owner decides to change web hosting service providers. Many at times, they also change the DDoS protection service provider so they can get the best DDoS protection for their servers.

If a hosting service provider has poor technical support, excessive server down time or might not be able to meet expectations through the hosting requirements provided. So it’s time that they change their hosting service provider.

Here are the top three reasons why they change a hosting service provider:

Continuous downtime issues

A web host operating round the clock is essential and if it is offering hosting on a powerful server and a stable network connection, then that is a plus point for everyone. The recommended uptime score is 99.5%.

There are numerous ways to obtain uptime information about a hosting service provider. One of these ways is using server monitor tools which can help companies track their hosting service provider.

No business/corporation should hesitate asking their hosting service provider explicit questions regarding server’s uptime scores and reliability.

The hosting service provider is unable to meet the business’s hosting needs

If a business has grown exponentially, or is looking to expand in the near future, then it will look to upgrade its web hosting options. On an additional basis they can find out what flexible hosting plans are offered.

Companies should have the ability to either upscale or downscale the server requirements. Based on what needs they have and that way they can change their hosting plans. They have a right to upgrade in solutions instead of changing the provider. If upgrades are not available then they can change their provider.

Customer service and support lower than expected

Hosting service providers must always have a support team that is rich in technical expertise and well known in terms of reliability. A skilled and dedicated support team is instrumental in making a positive difference. In fact, it can help prevent minor incidents from escalating and can also help businesses maintain daily operations without hindrance.

On-site support availability is a must, especially when it comes to emergency reboots and other issues. Especially when the staff is not located near the facility or is at a distance. This also helps prevent minor things turning into major incidents.

Support technicians should be available to clientele at any time, on-site, by phone, email or web-based support portal in the event of any issue arising.

When and why do firms change their DDoS service provider?

DDoS attacks have been on the rise since the early days of 2021. It has become not just a nuisance but also a disaster. Organizations losing up to USD$ 20 billion due to ransoms and losses caused by these attacks.

Lack of a proper DDoS protection is dangerous and that leaves firms unprepared for disaster. Another issue is that hackers implement slow-and-low attacks as it helps them avert detection. When DDoS protection service providers fail to provide the required quality of service then firms have a right to change the DDoS service providers.

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