Yelp Reviews

Boost Engagement by Adding Yelp Reviews to Website

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We are starting the post with a fun fact – Did you know that it takes around 50 seconds for a new website visitor to decide if they wish to continue surfing through your website or not? Out of all the review platforms, Yelp reviews is a platform with over 200 million reviews that helps users shortlist a service for them effectively based on the experiences of existing customers.

So, what does this statistic mean? It clearly defines that if your website lacks an interesting element, then your visitors will be more likely to leave the website midway through, leading to an increase in the bounce rate of the website.

It is undeniable that if your website visitors are not engaged enough on the website, then it may lead to multiple disadvantages.

The content that you display on your website plays a major role in engaging visitors and one of the best forms of content is undoubtedly the reviews of your existing brand customers.

Embedding yelp reviews on the website using a responsive social media aggregation platform is a strategy that is highly adopted by brands and businesses to improve the engagement of their website visitors.

If you are wondering how then you have stumbled upon the correct blog.

Continue reading till the end of this post as you will get an insight into the reasons as to how adding Yelp reviews on website can work effectively to improve the engagement level of your website visitors.

Ways In Which Adding Yelp Reviews On Website Can Improve Visitor Engagement

  • UGC Increases Engagement

UGC stands for User-Generated Content and it is the most reliable, genuine, and trustworthy form of content found online. Since the content is unsponsored, it is highly leveraged by potential buyers into their purchase-related decisions.

More than 85% of potential customers of a brand go through reviews before finalizing a brand or a product.

Being a highly engaging form of content, User-Generated Content can keep the users hooked and explore the content even more leading to more engagement on the website.

  • Instill Trust & Confidence In The Users

Your website visitors feel the need to stay on the website more when they are confident about your product or services. Your website visitors trust the words of other customers much more

then the brand’s published content.

As mentioned earlier, since a large percentage of potential customers go through User-Generated Content. Embedding reviews would reflect how happy and satisfied your existing users are with your products and services.

  • Add A Touch Of Vibrancy To Your Website

A big reason for the lack of engagement is your potential customers do not find your website catchy enough. While we do agree that text-based content plays a huge role in keeping your visitors engaged. A dull-looking website will disinterest your visitors immediately.

A vibrant element on the website keeps the visitors engaged for a long time. Adding Yelp reviews in a customized and attractive way will make your visitors hooked for longer leading to more engagement on your website.

  • Display Social Proof

First-time visitors on your website can be apprehensive about trying out your products if they are already using another brand. To convert them, you need to showcase content that does the job of displaying your brand’s proof.

There is nothing better than displaying the validation from your existing customers. There is no better source than your customer reviews. Integrating them into your website not only helps in displaying your brand‘s social proof. This also helps in driving more sales and conversions resulting in more engagement on your website.

  • More Traffic Means More Engagement

Adding yelp reviews on website interests people more in your website. It leads to more traffic and makes your rank higher on the search engine ranking page.

Potential buyers are more likely to visit websites that rank higher on the Google ranking. These would result in higher traffic and more engagement on the website.

Closing Note

This brings us to the end of this post. You are now completely ready to take your website’s engagement level to a whole new level.

Integrating Yelp reviews into the strategy is a much sought-after strategy. It is slowly making its place in every marketers marketing strategy. All you really need to do is look for a responsive social media aggregation tool. You will find multiple options on the internet and you need to pick the perfect fit by analyzing the features it offers.

Leverage the one that deems fit as per your preference and you will be good to go!

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